Climate Alliance for the Common Good - Related Content

The Wisconsin Connection to Earth Day

Thursday, April 20th 2023 12:21 pm

Wisconsin Connection to Earth Day!

The first earth day, April 22, 1970, began through the efforts of former Wisconsin Governor and U.S. Senator of Wisconsin Gaylord Nelson. Nelson, working to build on the environmental movement that began in the late 1960s, worked with Harvard graduate student Denys Hayes to launch the event.  The Wisconsin tradition of protecting our planet is now celebrated around the world. Join Climate Alliance for the Common Good at the La Crosse Earth Day Fair on 4/30/23. The fair runs from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm. at Myrick Park, We hope you stop by our table at the fair!

Green Technologies: Re-using Leaked Heat

Monday, June 12th 2023 5:04 pm

Insulation helps buildings retain heat—around the sides of the building and the roof. But what about the floor? Even with insulation, heat extends through the floor into the earth, and that is the heat we can reuse. In the most densely populated areas, heat from below the area could be harvested annually to supply 25% of the heat used by the area’s buildings. This kind of creative approach can help us make use of the heat we generate, instead of contributing to global warming and climate change.

Take Action on Climate Change - Interview with Tom Schlesinger of the Climate Alliance on WXOW

Friday, July 7th 2023 3:51 pm
Tom Schlesinger, Executive Director of the La Crosse nonprofit Climate Alliance for the Common Good, appeared on WXOW to talk about the importance of taking action to address climate change.  He...

A Sustainability Toolkit that Helps Small Businesses Cut Through the Jargon

Tuesday, November 28th 2023 3:19 pm
A Sustainability Toolkit that Helps Small Businesses Cut Through the Jargon The La Crosse Small Business Toolkit on Sustainability helps small businesses increase profits with simple steps to achieve...

75,000 March to End Fossil Fuels

Tuesday, September 19th 2023 3:24 pm

Climate Week, New York, 2023 runs September 17-24, and kicked off with headliners including Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Kevin Bacon, and Ethan Hawke, along with 75,000 climate protestors. Their main goal? To be heard. 

Solar on La Crosse Schools (SOLS): Making a Difference

Monday, July 17th 2023 1:32 pm
Alysa Remsburg of the nonprofit Solar on La Crosse Schools (SOLS) decided to do something about climate change: she, Cathy Van Maren, and a cadre of volunteers have put solar on La Crosse schools....

La Crosse Toolkits for Sustainability and Climate Action

Tuesday, August 8th 2023 2:49 pm
La Crosse Small Business Toolkit on Sustainability; Climate Alliance for the Common Good; La Crosse Small Businesses; Sustainabilty Workshop;; Nonprofit Toolkit on Climate Action; La Crosse Nonprofits