"There's Still Time to Act on Climate Change" is the title of a guest opinion in the La Crosse Tribune, by Tom Schlesinger, Executive Director of the La Crosse nonprofit, Climate Alliance for the Common Good. In spite of the threat of serious damage to our planet, as evidenced by the recent U.N. Climate Science report, we still have time to act to protect our world from the worst that climate change can bring. "Without making major changes, the scary predictions of the future will come true," according to Mr. Schlesinger. He continues, "But there is also good news. First and very importantly, we actually have the technology we need to pull us back from the brink." The way forward is determined by our choices and our actions.
Future generations may ask us, “What did you do to avert the climate crisis when you had the chance?” We have time to make choices that protect our world, but we have to act quickly. Read the article here: Take Action to Fight Climate Change.