Wildflower Wonders Walk - Borah Creek Prairie State Natural Area, June 10, 10 AM to 12 PM, Mississippi Valley Conservancy

6/10/23 | 10:00 am - Noon

Come for a wildflower walk in the Borah Creek Prairie State Natural Area! A rare glimpse of the rolling grassland and wildflowers that once carpeted much of this area can be seen on a free guided hike offered to the public by Mississippi Valley Conservancy(MVC) and The Prairie Enthusiasts. Gary Eldred, a founder of The Prairie Enthusiasts, and Chris Kirkpatrick of MVC will identify native grasses and flowers and show where prairie restoration efforts have created more habitat for pollinators such as butterflies and bees. The Wildflower Wonders Walk will be held Saturday, June 10, starting at 10 a.m. The hike is one of Mississippi Valley Conservancy’s Linked-to-the Land events, sponsored by Olson Solar Energy and WXOW/News 19. 

Borah Creek Prairie, 181 acres of scenic grassland, was discovered by local prairie enthusiast Gary Eldred, who noticed the abundance of native wildflowers on the site and worked with the landowner to manage the prairie with prescribed fire and invasive species control. Borah Creek Prairie was acquired with funding from the Wisconsin DNR's Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

ADVANCE REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED for this FREE guided hike. Registration closes at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, June 7. 


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